Google Wave 1

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About 20 minutes ago I got my invite to google wave. I now have my account live ( as well as my secondary account (, so I can start testing out the wave. I haven’t had any time to get into it and play, but here is a screenshot of an empty preview account Update: ...

The Day Is Finally Here

WP Upload Directory not writable! Check file and directory permissions
If you know me, you will know I hate Mac’s.  However, the day has finally arrived where I decided to take a risk and go to buy one for myself.  Not being a strong follower of the Apple movement, I purchased my MacBook Pro on sunday 7th June.  I got home, installed some apps (dragging ...

Quick Server Access : SSH Keys 1

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It has now reached the stage where I am logging into 20 – 40 different servers a day, which itself is quite time consuming when you know the server logins stored in your head.  However, all our servers have different access passwords and finding each server password takes a little too long (there is no ...

Unix TimeStamp

WP Upload Directory not writable! Check file and directory permissions
So, its only a few hours away from the timestamp 1234567890 and we just went past 1234543210. As always, sad enough to take a photo (well, Jordan ( took the photo) on a monitor in our office which is displaying Its only 6 or so hours till all hell breaks out and the time ...

Rubiks Takes Over

WP Upload Directory not writable! Check file and directory permissions
A few weeks back Jordan (designer @ Just Develop It) brought in his rubiks cube into the office and we were all amazed that he could complete the cube. The fact he could do it in under 5 minutes just added to the amazement. Between writing code and sleeping, Rich and myself found ourselves trying ...