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I have been spending a few days looking into optimisation for a few of our products, the biggest of which is Intellichat, which this great MySQL function is soon to be used for. Intellichat handles thousands of chats every hour, we average at about 190,000 chats a day, which is increasing daily. Every one of ...

Visitors 2 You : The only tool you need for SEO

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I have finally started working on a new product for JDI a few weeks back, its called Visitors 2 You.   This product is based around Search Engine Optimisation, allowing customers to enter in their domain, and a few search criteria they expect / want to appear under, and we will start recording historical data ...

Time Capsule Goes Down…. Like a lead balloon 4

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The Ultimate Wireless Base Station – Apparently I purchased a 1TB Apple Time Capsule two weeks ago in the hope that it would work perfectly with iTunes, Apple TV and most of all, file sharing. Im sorry to report that it did a pretty awful job at all of these things I expected to come ...

BAJB.Net iPhone Wallpaper

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When I have a mind block programming, Photoshop is usually just around the corner.  I put together a quick wallpaper based on the mascot from Grab A Mascot for my iPhone.  It makes a nice change from the earth or some leaves.  Apple should really think about releasing some new wallpapers for their iphone as ...

MySQL INT(1) or INT(10) 27

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In short, it really doesn’t matter.  After watching a MySQL web conference by Jay Pipes, I was gutted when I found out that they are actually exactly the same.  I know im not alone in thinking that it affected the size of the data field.  An unsigned int has the max value of 4294967295 no ...

Intellichat Servers

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After putting off the Intellichat migration last week due to issues with the load balancer (we had to order up a new more powerful one), we are finally in the last stages of testing.  I had a little chat with Dan Ushman at Singlehop today and asked him to pop over to the data center ...

Quick Reaction thanks to Just Uptime

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After adding the feature last week, we in the JDI office have taken full advantage of the system and have it on our main development screen and I even have it on my docked iPhone (sorta like a third screen ). Everyone in the office is able to keep an eye on all of ...

JDI Friday Feature

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Being the first friday in the month, I thought I should introduct a new item to the development room.  We now have the ‘Friday Feature’ where we work on a ‘nice to have’ feature for one of our products.  These features will generally be quick bits which add some ‘cool’ to our products. Just Uptime ...

Windows Boot Loader – Recovering Vista from OpenSuse 1

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Last night I thought it would be a good idea to check out OpenSuse, so I downloaded the DVD and burned the only DVD I had with the image.  As soon as I got home, my vulnerable laptop was begging to keep windows at its heart, but in the end, after putting the OpenSuse DVD ...

Intellibear travels

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Intellibear is the official cuddly toy for Intellichat Software Ltd.  I have attached some pictures of him on my drive up to London. Share/Bookmark